Final Major Project
These past few weeks have been non stop,with new projects, coursework deadlines and a job interview, for a huge competition thats running between my Uni and 9 others,I'll tell you all about it when I hear more,and hopefully get some good news;fingers crossed.
I had to do alot of design work for this competition,so I thought I'd take inspiration from this and continue this theme for my Final Major Project, plus it was such an inspiring experience and Ive enjoyed the oppurtunity,every step of the way,so have alot of passion and inspiraion for my 'FMP'.
'Traveller Girl' is all about a journey, a young girl,who is at a time in her life, where she has oppurtunities, has to make a choice of which path to take in life? The world is her oyster...
"Happiness is a Journey, Not a Destination"- Ben Sweetland.
Some of my sketchbook work,initial ideas and research.
Inspired by The brand the competition is for;plaid fabrics,outdoors wear etc.
Will tell you more about this competition and who its with soon.
Above four images sourced-